Contributors Wanted! Green Stuff Industries is looking for regular contributors of 40k content. In particular, modeling and conversion though posts on tactics a...
tutorial Quick Tip - Moving Decals by Novus I've started using decals on my PHR force because I needed a better way to differentiate my Triton A1's from the A2's d...
chaos space marines great blogs modeling and conversion sculpting tentacle maker Vorax Class Battle Automata - Guest WIP Word Bearer of The Autoforge blog recently sent me an email link to a WIP blog post for his Vorax conversion. I don't usually post a l...
Battle Report Dropzone Commander tournament Dropzone Tournament - EndGame in Oakland, CA by Novus This last weekend I attended the Spring Dropzone Commander tournament at EndGame in Oakland, California. The tournament was full, b...
Dropzone Commander Las Vegas Open modeling and conversion terrain tournament My LVO Dropzone Display Board by Novus I was pretty sure I wasn't going to place at the LVO Dropzone Tournament so I set my eyes on winning something that I felt I ha...