beauty industry news beauty trends corrie neilson face lace jeff leyshon phyllis cohen Beauty trend: beauty adhesives & Face Lace by Phyllis Cohen Watch out for make up artist Phyllis Cohen’s new beauty line Face Lace launching at the end of March 2012 – guaranteed to be top on the lus...
beauty marketing indeed labs nanoblur snoxin super serum wonder products ‘Super serum’ Snoxin launches – but is it product results or media hype that drives sales of so-called ‘wonder products’? A new so-called ‘super serum’ called Snoxin hits the shelves of Boots today, claiming to ‘combat all aspects of skin ageing appearance, incl...
beauty industry beauty news models own bottleshop retail innovation store experience The Models Own Bottleshop – true retail innovation Cosmetic and nail brand Models Own has proved it's a step ahead of the game when it comes to store experience with its impending Bottle...